We wish to thank all those people and institutions, public and private,
non-governmental agencies, conservation foundations, government agencies,
scientific institutions, advisors and a large number of other collaborating
sources, who, with us in the course of these years, have made what is today
the Area de Conservación Guanacaste a reality.
Thank you !!!!:
- farmers and cattle ranchers who were willing to donate and sell their
farms to convert them in patrimony for future generations.
- to the Government for the reconversion of the external debt for nature,
the aim in the development of biodiversity.
- to children from other countries for their enthusiam.
- to the volunteers, who with their sweat and their enthusiam have helped
build our way.
We give special thanks to the people of Guanacaste for having thought
possible the realization of the dream that biodiversity is the source of
life and development.
For having made possible:
- the smile of a child when he or she figures out the natural history
of the wild organisms that surround him or her.
- the thousands of plants that today have the opportunity to grow and
not succumb to fire.
- the new ideas and committments aquired to restore and save the biodiversity.
- the scientific knowledge and information that has been generated, which
helps us understand the biodiversity present a bit more.
- the thousands of visitors who enjoy our beauties and fortify our spirit.
- the idea of non traditional processes in the administration, management
and use of the biodiversity which is at society's service.
- the civil society participating in the decisions, the development,
and the furture of the Area.
- allowing us to make mistkes and keep on going, learning from our errors
and adding to our experience.
In the song of a bird, the smile of a child, the stillness of a sunset
and the majesty of the simplest things, in all of these lie the essence
of life. Together: adminstrators of biodiversity and donors we will continue
working in a process of continual evolution to leave to future generations
the most valuable of treasures: tropical wildlife biodiversity conserved
to perpetuity.

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