Cleome spinosa Jacq.


Chavarría, F., Guadamuz, A., Perez, D., Espinoza, R. and Masís, A. 1998. Cleome spinosa (Capparidaceae) Species Page, May 24, 1998. Species Home Pages, Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

I. Identification:

Annual herb 0.5 m tall with numerous spines.


White flowers on the terminal points of the branches. Sweet odor.


Pubescent sheeaths, approximately 9 cm long. The fruits mature during April and May before the rains.

The seeds have a very peculiar form.

Mature and immature fruits, and seeds





Palmately compound.

Bark and wood:

The stems are light green and tomentose.

Whole plant architecture:

View of the plant

Similar species:


II.Geographic distribution:


In Costa Rica:

In the Area de Conservación Guanacaste:

Along the banks and beds of rivers and streams located inttermitently in semideciduous and deciduous lowland farests.

 Map of macro-habitats of the ACG

III. Natural History:

IV. How to find:

Along the banks and beds of intermittent rivers and streams of the Santa Rosa and Naranjo sectors.


This project was carried out by the Area de Conservación Guanacaste/CR, with help from INBio/CR, ICBG from the Foggarty center, NIH/USA and NSF/USA.

Thanks to Kate Beattie for helping with the image management and the translation of this species page.

Literature cited: