Maripa nicaraguensis



Espinoza, R., Guadamuz, A., Perez, D., Chavarría, F. and Masís, A. 1998. Maripa nicaraguensis (Convulvulaceae) Species Page, September 21, 1998. Species Home Pages, Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

I. Identification:

Climbing vine.



Cross section of immature fruit

Cross section of mature fruit

Side view of a immature fruit (left) and mature (right)

View of fruits on the branch

Light green and spherical, they begin to turn yellow when they mature.


Simple alternate, oval in form, 6-20 cm long with entire margins and a shiney smooth surface, petiole of 1-3 cm lond, cilindrical.

Bark and wood:

Dark brown, smooth, with very visible lenticels.

Whole plant architecture:

Similar species:


II.Geographic distribution:


In Costa Rica:

In the Area de Conservación Guanacaste:

In the San Cristobal sector.


 Map of macro-habitats of the ACG

III. Natural History:

IV. How to find:

In the San Cristobal sector along the banks of the Cucaracho river.


This project was carried out by the Area de Conservación Guanacaste/CR, with help from INBio/CR, ICBG from the Foggarty center, NIH/USA and NSF/USA. We would especially like to thank Nelson Zamora for the taxonomic identification of this species.

Thanks to Kate Beattie and Alexandra Kern for helping with the image management and the translation of this species page.

Literature cited.