Pailas Sector has the highest rate of visitation in the Área de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG) due to the volcanic experiences it offers to visitors along its nature trails such as steam vents, volcanic lakes, and bubbling mud pits. These attractions are situated in a variety of ecosystems with forests ranging from those in different stages of regeneration to mature forests. Visitors can also enjoy other impressive natural wonders including waterfalls, rivers, an active volcanic crater, birds, three species of monkeys, and a variety of reptiles.
The confluence of the range of altitudes present in the 14,300 hectares of this sector (600m at its base to 1,916m at its highest point), average rainfall, influence of the volcano, and convergence of the Caribbean and Pacific climates creates a wide range of vegetation types and habitats allowing for a wondrous diversity of plants and animals.
Sector Program Management
Five Sector Program personnel work permanently in Pailas due to its high rate of visitation attending tourists, maintaining sector infrastructure, trails, and pastures as well as collaborating with researchers and students in their field work.
Rincón de la Vieja National Park was formed on October 23rd, 1973 under law Nº 5398. In 1986, it was incorporated into the ACG and divided into two sectors open to tourists, Las Pailas and Santa María both of which are especially attractive to visitors due to their natural beauty and volcanic attractions.